Monday, May 5, 2008

the road to travel

Well, today I got the news that the cancer has spread to the lungs. I wasn't surprised and was prepared for the news as we knew it was a very legitimate possibility.

I don't want to view it as bad news, it is just another road that I have to go down. Things will be different than before, because treatment is different for vital organs than not. Obviously you have to be very careful about how you treat the lungs, and cannot use the same approach as on the neck. I meet with my medical oncologist tomorrow and will know more about what type of treatment I will be going through. It sounds like chemotherapy is more the route than radiation, because your lungs can't really handle much radiation.

I am going to do all I can to fight it. I spoke to an attending oncologist this morning who was really helpful and I really liked. I had heard such bleak things about what happens when squamous cell spreads to the lungs and was obviously concerned. She just said you can't go by statistics derived from other people because you are your own unique individual and there is no reason not to put yourself in the small pool of people that survive this. So is just what I am going to do, put myself in the pool of people that survive.

Also, please no more posts about me drinking alcohol. One of the causes of oral cancer is alcohol and I probably won't drink again for the rest of my life; and I could really care less about it. I don't think that's what has caused this but am perfectly happy not drinking again, and don't think that I could even stomach the thought for a long time. I know most of you didn't know this because I hadn't posted it, but the last thing I want to do is drink.



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Adrian said...

I give you a hug my friend and I hope you keep the fight, the positive attitude, the energy that amazes so many people, no matter what. Absorb as much positive energy as you can from the good people that love you, from the Catalinas and sahuaros and the blue sky of Tucson, from everything that makes your heart joyful. Keep the heart open and let that energy work the miracle.
I am keeping you in my thoughts.
Let me know if you would like me to visit.

Unknown said...

Fight on my friend.

Positive thoughts are being sent your way from Snoqualmie.


The Chadds said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Chadds said...

You are so amazing, and your family’s faith is so powerful, that I have no doubt that God has a great miracle planned for you. Don’t view the percentage of survivors as small, but rather know that if THEY can do this, you can too. Because we all know that you, Steve, are more capable than them. You dedicate yourself to the important things. You persevere when others give up. You are a fighter.
I don’t watch a lot of boxing but I think it goes something like this: Address your wounds, take a swoosh (of your sweet soda or juice), spit it out, and go strong into Round Two. Knock it out.

Unknown said...


I agree with the oncologist. You are one who usually does things that break up most stats.

Stay strong and positive,Brian and I are thinking about you constantly.


Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

I know this wasn't the news that anyone wanted to hear, but I agree that this is not the end, this is another obstacle for you to hurdle. I know your legs are probably getting tired of all the hurdling you've done so far, but I know you can overcome this one as you've done in the past.

You have so many people praying and sending positive energy your way. All of us need to step it to the next level. We all need to beat this obstacle....together as a team.

Honey, I wish that I could kiss your cheeks, and sit on the couches opposite of each other and read, nap, and enjoy each other.We are there in my head.

I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight, and I'm ready to do anything in my power to help lift your legs over the hurdle.

Please give a big hug to Jen and Jean, we are praying for all of you.

To all other bloggers, or blogger readers, help us step up the pace. We need all of you!

Steven, I like you for always, love you forever as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be!

Rye Bread said...

I love you and can't wait to see you this weekend!
Oh, and I almost forgot that a freshman this year broke he half-mile record previously held by Aaron Redman. Aaron's time was 2:02 and this kids time was 2:01.


Kevin Lybarger said...

I don't know why anyone would be given the trials you have had to face. If I had to pick someone who could face such trials it would be you. Hope to see you soon,


Dop said...

How much do you wish you had a "Bessie Attack Suit" right now?

I think by now we would need body pillows though

Senor Groseta said...

We were all hoping that you wouldn't have to go down this road, but I guess none of us really get to choose our path, as much as we think we do. We only control how we walk it. Or run it. While you have to do the running yourself, you are surrounded on this road by loving friends and family who will do whatever we can to help every step of the way. This road may be hard and full of hills, but I know that you will fight through and get over the hills and the downhill will be all the sweeter.

I've never really studied economics so I'm no expert with stats, but I do know that Steve Manos sprints up hills that make grown men cry and has overcome 100% of the hills he's faced in the past.

Also know, that you continually inspire and impress me with your attitude and strength. Thanks.
Stay strong,

lindsayellen said...

lets put our rally caps on guys...

ps...the bessie attack suit was the best thing in our lives...a bonafide survival tool..

love you steve...

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

My prayers go out to you and your family. I pray for strength, courage, peace, comfort, faith and the wisdom needed to deal with this. You have wonderful family and friends that surround you. You have 3 very dedicated people in your life - Your mom, dad and Jenn... I am so thankful that they are there for you and love you so very much.

unclejim said...

I didn't realize alchohol could cause cancer. One more good reason I swore off of it also. I pesonally wish it had never been invented as it sure seems to ruin more lives than it makes happy.

You had some heavy hitters out last night at the novena. Having Sr. Raphael and the other nuns praying for you is like having Barry Bonds come up when you really need a run. The support was really amazing.

I rarely admit that someone says things better than I, but I do think Bethany's post sums it up nicely. I will continue to send as much positive energy I have every day down your way.

You have my love, prayers and thoughts.

Si Se Puede.

Diane said...

Hi Steve,

I am truly sorry to hear this news. Your faith, courage, spirit, and determination are an inspiration to us all. I am so very proud of you. Keep up the good fight. I pray for you each and every day. Remember, you have lots of people who love you and are pulling for you. I know that God has something very special planned for you. Please keep on blogging. We love hearing from you. God bless you.


Aunt Diane

mary heiland said...

Uncle Jim is right ... you had some really heavy hitters at your novena last night. And Ryan did a great job leading us with the opening prayer to St. Jude.

I'd like to put out the word for all your friends in Phoenix to join us to "Pray for Steve". We are meeting this week at 7 p.m., except for Friday which will be at 6 p.m. before Fr. O'Grady's 50th Anniversary Mass. On the weekend we will meet a half hour before Mass (5:00 p.m. on Saturday and 4:30 p.m. on Sunday) then back to 7 p.m. next Monday and Tuesday.

Ss. Simon and Jude is located on the east side of 27th Avenue between Bethany Home and Maryland.

Come feel the power of prayer ...

Dop said...

I love you brother. See you this weekend.

Laura said...


One of my favorite songs, and i have listened to it during my most trying times, is "Don't Give Up" by the fabulous Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush. Here is the link to the YouTube video. It has always been a source of strength, when my mind couldn't come up with encouraging words to myself. It has brought me through break-ups, lonely nights and long portages in Canada, family tragedies and sickness.

I don't know how much holistic therapy you have been given, but I encourage acupuncture. We have a wonderful woman who provides acupuncture for women at the agency I work for. Many of them have HIV/AIDS, cancer, drug addictions, and other bodily pain. I have seen results both in them, and myself. It may not be a cure, but I know it can help with side effects you may be having from the medications.

I will be praying for you, and humming along to the song that won't leave my head for the rest of the day. I love you. I hope to be able to come visit you soon. I have a trip planned to Chicago to see Carrie and then off to the races . . . my first time to Indy 500!

I think about you every day. Again, I try to send positive energy as much as I can. I will talk with Jean to see if some time in June would be a good time to visit. It's been a while, and I would love to see you!! Keep positive! I love you, and I love the challenge you get to beat the stats, seems like the perfect thing for you to ace!

Cousin Laura

Laura said...

I know the song doesn't fit perfectly into your life and the situation, but the encouraging words are always nice.

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

I need to get ready for work but I woke up singing a song that the Brophy Jesuit Band (form the 70s era) sang.

"Its a brand new day,
Every things going to be fine,
I just want you to know,
the sun is going to shine".

I think Jim might have downloaded for you, I know Maw-Maw suggested it on a earlier blog, anyway I hope the sun shines brightly on you today.

I'll talk to you later tonight,

Aunt Lynnie

Aunt Mary said...

Hey Sweet Face,

I was coming up the stairs to my office, and looked down to find a penny. I bent down to grab it and as I looked up, there stood Fr. Flynn. A sign of good luck? You bet....and I'm sending it your way.

I love you with everything I have, Mok.

Adrian said...

I am sharing with you and your friends a video I made this morning. It's not for the image, it's abound the sound. Those birds help me have a great start of the day and I thought their singing could touch you in a positive way.

Cal said...

Steve, am sending you lots of positive energy..we will help you beat this. I know you had hoped you would never hear that report. Sure do wish you had not either but now it is time to put on the armor and fight that battle(again).
Sending energy your direction and lots of big Granny Cal Hugs.

Unknown said...

Moke: I have nothing but complete and total faith that you will overcome. Love you cousin.

Greg, here's a link to the site we talked about last night. For those who haven't had the pleasure, this makes me laugh everytime -- and it's a very short 9 seconds.

Anonymous said...


It had been a day out of the ordinary...Lizzie answered two questions of the day correctly!! Also, to add to more symbols of good luck and positive force...I saw a man at the gym with a shirt that said "Runners have more endurance." I think they were referring to something slightly inappropriate for this blog, but made me smile and think of you.

Love you.

Arizona mom to eight said...


I have been following your posts through a friend. I am so sorry to hear your latest news.

Statistics don't matter and bone mets can be stopped.

Praying for remission for you.

5 year stage llCS survivor

Robert said...

I really don't know what to say Steve, just that you are in my thoughts.


andreameows said...

Steve, you are in my thoughts. I feel hope for you. Andrea

andreameows said...

Steve, I hope this speaks to you. I feel it's power and beauty.

"I walked a mile with
She chattered all the way,
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne'er a word said she;
But oh, the things I learned
from her
When Sorrow walked with me."

Robert Browning Hamilton
"Along the Road"

Andrea and Cat

andreameows said...

"For you see, so many out-of-the-way things had happened lately that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible."
Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

I just got home for work, and wanted to send all my love and prayers to you, hopefully before "bunkhouse".

I saw Breadie last night. We had left over pizza from our Cinco De Mayo dinner (you think as much Mexican food as our family eats we wouldn't be eating Pizza), and I dropped off a pizza for your Dad and Breadie.

I'm sure you Dad was already in the "bunkhouse" but Ryan opened the door and a huge smile appeared. Ryan says "hi Aunt Lynnie" do you want to come in for a while". He is so smooth.

I wish I could hug you and Jen, and tell you both how proud I am of you two, and how much I love you.

Sweet dreams Baby,

Aunt Lynnie

The Chadds said...

Another great turn out for the Novena tonight. You are very loved by so many people Steve. We prayed outside during the sunset and it was beautiful. There was a breeze that surely took our prayers straight to God. I don’t have any great words tonight, so I am borrowing some from Lance Armstrong. “If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or Fight Like Hell.” I'm going to go ahead and say that the Fight Like Hell seemed to have worked for him.

Unknown said...

Hi Steven,

Wow, I got an email forwarded from my mom from Rosemary a few days ago. I wish I would have known about your blog and all that you are going through these past months. I spent several hours reading it last night. Your courage, will, and perseverance are inspiring as is the incredible support of your family and all those who love you.

I have to agree with the Peter Gaberial song. It came to mind reading the many comments on songs before I got to the last posts. I never really paid much attention to the song until one day in college I found a friend just sobbing in his living room and listening to this song. He told me it really helped him get through some rough times. Since then I have listened to it more than a few times. It is great in that it lets you wallow for a bit but ultimately spits you out on your feet in the end. I have a live version with sinead on my ipod. You just know she has survived some rough times in the way her voice haunts the lyrics.

Another song is “always look on the bright side of your life”. It always makes me smile and the image of the Monty Python movie with of all of them up on the crosses singing away.

Keep up the fight, you will win. And look on the bright side, you can now get a prescription for medical ganja the next time you go to San Diego.


Ps Kelly Clarkson?!? Jeeez Danny. I’m only forgiving you because I know you are sleep deprived with a new baby.

Dop said...

Don't be so quick to let the Kelly Clarkson embarrassment slide Chris, Dan wrote that well before little Makenna was born.

Unknown said...

Moke: Always on my mind. Keep strong. I still believe and will continue to send my positive thoughts.

Unknown said...

Hi Steve,

I'm Michelle, I'm good friends with Matt "The Dude" :). He shared a little bit of your story with me and I wanted to send my best wishes and positive energy your way. I'll keep you in my thoughts :)

Michelle (from Seattle)

Jon said...

I heard about your journey from a friend of yours and just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as your intrepid soul continues to fight.
-JR (Santa Barbara)

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

I hope you slept well, and the sun is shining brightly on you. I am so happy to see some new bloggers. I'm sure we have new blogger readers as well. So keep it coming, we need to fight this as hard as Steven is fighting. Please keep it coming!

I don't have to work today so I thought I might try and plant something that will bear the summer heat, or I might go and buy a new book. I know you and Tom have read a lot so if you have a personal favorite let me know.

I was glad to see Christopher's post, and Chris I should have remembered along time ago to get you in the loop. So if anyone can think of any other folks that don't know about the blog, please email them, (Jen, I hope you don't mind that I am kind of taking your role here!?!?)

And for those of you that read it three times a day and don't post (my husband) that's ok too, we just need thought and prayers.

Steven, I remember the night when Danny ran away while he his Dad was watching him at my old house. So at 7:30 I drive up and there are two police cars. I have s suit on and high heels, and a police office asked who I was, and I said I was the owner of the house, and asked why they were there. They told me Danny ran away.

So I am walking through allies, backyards calling Danny's name, and once everyone left, Danny comes climbing down from a tree. I asked him why he ran away (he tried to walk to MawMaw and Poppies and got lost) so he came home and hid in the tree. He said that he was mad at his Dad because Patrick was spending the night at your house and your Dad was going to take you all out mountain bike riding the next day, and his Dad wouldn't let him go...I think I ended up loading his bike in the car and took him to your house.

Anyway, not sure why some of these random thoughts jump into my head,
but they do....

Take it easy today, enjoy your family, and know that I am thinking of you all day and sending my very best positive thoughts your way!

Aunt Lynnie

P.S. I'll talk to you later tonight!

Diane said...

Hi Steve,

I wanted to check in to tell you that I love you, and I am praying for you mightily. Hang in there! Keep fighting. God bless and keep you.


Aunt Diane

beannotsotiny said...

I always feel sorry for the people sitting next to me on the airplane on the way back to CT. After four days of Mexican cuisine, the air on the plane is thick. At some point I always expect the face masks to drop from the overhead.

My trip was made when I was able to spend time with you, Jen and your mom and dad. The short visit was packed with the lessons of love.

It is time to pull in the sails and head into the next challenge. I have faith with you at the helm.

I love you so much and yearn for the next visit.

lauren grant said...

hi steven,

i am so so sorry to hear this news. i'll certainly step up my prayers, and yoga intentions. i'm taking a spinning class this quarter (and it's kicking my butt), so i'll try some spinning intentions too; it will be nice to focus on something other than how out of shape i am!!

have you read anthony demello's book, awareness? i don't know if i recommended it already, but it's an amazing book. you may have read it at seattle u; the jesuits at gonzaga are really into demello, so that's how i came across it. he's incredibly inspirational, and funny, and frank about living a life of awareness.

also, thinking of alternative therapies, have you ever heard of yoga nidra? it's a form of yoga relaxation and meditation. my yoga teacher in seattle is really into it, and it's really amazing. so many benefits and so little physical effort required - it's mostly done in savasana, so it's really relaxing and might be something useful to you right now when you are feeling so tired and weak.

my yoga teacher's name is laura, and you can check out a little about yoga nidra on her website if you're interested.

take care,

Unknown said...

Jane and I have been praying for you for some time now--and we aren't about to give up now!
Your oncologist is so right about not looking at the odds. Percentages and statistics are irrelevant when you are talking about your own life--all that matters (and the only thing you can control) is how you choose to face the situation and embrace the love that so many are directing your way.
We love and pray for you. Remember, miracles and blessings happen every day--I know first hand!
All our best,
George Esahak-Gage

Unknown said...

Normally I'm pretty good for pep talks, but your post was a damn good one. If there's an expert on kicking ass (sorry MawMaw) in my social sphere, it's you. Add on top of that the comments on this thread and I think that De La Hoya would do well to have you, Bethany, Uncle Jim, and the rest in his corner when he fights Mayweather. Bottom line is: I won't even try. It's hard to be both sincere and original in response to your recent posts - those first 25 comments have really become prime real estate!

Braveheart was on TV last night and I thought of you and laughed - hopefully I can explain why: Like Bethany described you, you've always been regarded as tough, focused, etc. But by the time you put cancer #1 and cancer #2 behind you (can we number them like that or am I totally ignorant?), I can imagine a scene at Pomeroy's or 16th Street Bar (where you will be enjoying a refreshing Iced Tea, of course) where you stroll in and someone in the bar says to someone else "That's Steven Manos" to which the other person will reply "Can't be. Steven Manos is 7 feet tall." Anyway, I got a chuckle out of it. Hopefully I didn't ruin it too badly there.

The moral of the story is: the crowd is looking for you to score a knockout here, because precious few of us have slayed a beast like the one you've slayed already as well as the one you're working on now. Any more triumphs beyond this next one and it's going to be hard to hang out with a such a winner. I mean, say what you will, but one of my greatest achievements in life is an intramural flag football championship at LMU - A title I held for one stinking offseason. You, on the other hand, will have beat cancer. In two places. See what I mean? Not exactly feeling like a peer, buddy.

Just keep takin' it easy, dude. I know you will, too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

Just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you and continue to pray. I am so happy that you will or are, with the cardardees tonight. It always makes my heart sing when you all get together.

When I think about all the things you cousins did together, your relationship with each other became more brotherly instead of cousins. I remember when you and Dop transferred to Sts. Simon and Jude the boys were so exited that not only did they see you every weekend, you would all be together at school as well.

Love you so much....Jen, my love to you as well!

Aunt Lynnie

Senor Groseta said...

Thank you, Steve, for sharing your life with us on the blog. It has given us inspiration,truth and faith on our own journeys. We are fighting this fight with you with our prayers, rosaries, Masses,prayer services, Communions,and sacrifices every day. You are not alone, thank God... for all the angels and saints of heaven have been called upon by so many of us to lift you up high with His healing graces. The heavens will never be the same with all this tremendous activity! We love you and your family very much.You are doing an awesome job. God Bless, Mary Beth Groseta

Unknown said...

Hey Steve,

I marvel at your strength and courage that you have.

Perhaps I am a bit late on this and you solved your MS Vista dilemma, but I was reading through your posts and thought I would share this link with you:

Here you can play Oregon Trail and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego in true Apple 2 glory, but requires IE or a Firefox extension. BTW, I highly recommend one of my childhood favorites: Odell Lake


The Chadds said...

Don’t let any of my sisters know that I admitted this, but I’m human. And because of this, I am allowed to get angry. I get angry when I am in a hurry and someone cuts me off. I get angry when the driver in front of me decides to use their windshield cleaner while moving and it gets water all over my clean car (like I said, I am only human – and an obsessive human at that). But most of all I’m angry that my friend, a man that I hold in highest regards, who would never wish suffering upon anyone else, is suffering terribly. I think it’s ironic that for the last three days, as I have driven down Glendale towards Saint Simon and Jude, there has been a sign at another church that, in very bright lights, says, “Don’t let anger control your life.” I don’t look for it. Actually, I forget about it every day until 6:45 when it’s staring me in the face. The sign is too obvious to ignore so I have to think about it. God’s message has to be right. But, here’s the spin: I think SOME anger is okay. I know you know what I am talking about. You’re in a race and you get boxed in. Or worse yet, a competitor cuts you off, only to slow down and trip you up. You get angry. You can’t help it. But you use that anger – you break out of the box – you kick their @#$. I think being angry can be useful. So, I hope you are livid. Just make sure you aim it well, use it efficiently and then let it go. I’ll look for the sign tomorrow. I wish all of God’s messages were this clear.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

Just a quick note before I go to work to let you know that I love you more than the sky. Hope today is day with no pain, only love. Talk to you later tonight.

Love you forever,

Aunt Lynnie

Anonymous said...

big love yo.

Sylvia said...


I am one of those many who have been following your blog and praying for you from the sidelines the entire time. You've been very courageous and incredibly strong. I finally am signing on because I want to share a poem with you in hopes that it might bring some comfort. I've had some tough times to face and even though I am faith filled, I often caught myself asking "Why?" This poem brought me comfort with my own "Why?". I hope it helps you in some way. You've got a great family and more people than you can imagine praying for your physical, mental and emotional health. I hope you feel it and gain strength and peace from it.

The Tapestry of My Life

My life is but a weaving
Between my Lord and me.
I cannot choose the colors
He works so steadily.

Oft times He weaves in sorrow
And I, in foolish pride,
Forget He sees the upper
And I, the underside.

Not 'til he loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the tapestry
And explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needed
In the Weaver's skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.


Diane said...

Hi Steve,

It's Aunt Diane again. You are sure ever in my thoughts. I know that it might sound facile to say this, but don't lose faith or hope. I will never stop rooting for you. I love you too much. If ever I can do anything for you, please let me know. I want you to know that I am here for you. God bless you.


Aunt Diane

Mudge said...

Tonight I am a happy mother because all my family, including Jen, will be home together sharing the love we have for each other. Tonight I will sleep peacefully. Jean

Shelli Stewart said...

You are in my thoughts and my heart and I send you my love and my hope.

Human life is indeed wondrous. You may be ill physically, but as long as your mental state is strong, it most certainly will exert a positive influence on your body. There may be no better remedy than hope. - Daisaku Ikeda

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Baby,

I hope and pray that you will have a painless day so you too can enjoy the Manos family weekend.

The cardardees said they had a great time watching "What about Bob" with you. I hope my boys didn't argue with each other much. I was always a tad bit envious of the relationship you and Dop and Breadie have. Even when you were little, you were always such amazing friends. I remember when we lived in our first house on
12th Ave, during the summer months, Poppie was always so worried when I left the kids home during the summer. One conversation he actually said "Honey, sometimes I think they are going to kill each other". Something every mom wants to hear.

But, we made it and they have become much closer. I do thank God for that almost everyday.

Steven and Jen, you are an inspiration to all of us. I can't tell you too how much I admire you.
Steven, it took you a while to find your soulmate, but when you did, you picked the very best. (I know that I don't have to tell you that!)

Well, I am going to put on the CD that Greggie made for me, it just keeps playing "My Humps" over and over-the whole CD. It helps get me motivated to clean my house!

Jean, enjoy the time with your family which I know you will. Tom, Dop and Breadie, I love you with all my heart.

Aunt Lynnie

lauren grant said...

hi steven,

here is a dancing walrus to brighten your day. (in my personal opinion, animals that dance to old school michael jackson are particularly entertaining). one of my students sent me this link along with their plea for an extension on their paper.

hope you haven't seen it yet!

annabelle said...

Hey Moke,

Don't know if you are in Tucson or Phoenix but it's nice to know you are all together.

I was getting out of Mass just as Brophy was getting out and I thought I'd see Rye (maybe even driving) but no such luck.

I too remember the pool days at the Kings. It's a wonder they all survived. The would see who could keep the other under the longest. I was sure one of them would never come up. I also remember a neighbor calling to say the boys were riding a big wheel off the roof into the pool. And then there was the life guards at Mission Beach bringing you and Ted in and all of us wondering what was going on.

I read Bill's comment about it's time to head into the wind. I have to say, out of all the kids you were the best sailor (except poppie). You were in your glory when it was leaning and I was yelling to "fall off" or "let out the traveler"". Just curious, but did you ever hear me?

I love you sooooo much and I do believe you will beat this. Please God.... my love to all.

This is my second try today. After I finished the first along with my favorite word verification, UNABLE TO PUBLISH MY COMMENT showed on my screen. If this doesn't work I'm out of here.

unclejim said...

The movie "Into the Wild' was billed about a kid who leaves everything behind to live alone in the wilds of Alaska. And I guess, many people see that as the focal point of the movie. But to me, the movie was not about his time in isolation but the people whose lives he touched and who touched him. And to me, that is really what life is all about. Reaching out to be touched as well as touching.

Every night, a large group gathers to ask God to help, in whatever way His divine intentions are. It is in watching this group that I realize what a special person you are, Steven. It is amazing at the diversity of groups from which these people come from. First of all, there are Ryan's amazing friends and families. Happy Heiland, Coop, Sean, Sammy D. to name a few are there every night with various member of their families. Steven, their smiles warm my heart and I hope knowing they are there does the same to you.

Then there are the equally amazing Demore girls. Bethany accompanied most nights by Jamie and alternatively by either Tim or Debbie. Their frequent posts on this blog have meant so much, so much support and love. And since he belongs in that same group of high school friends, Tony Grosetta.

We also have SS. Simon families who have crossed your path along the way. The Thompsons, Novotnys, Sellars, Staats, L'Jeane, Ryans, Grants, Jacksons, Mary Sue Palazollo, and many I don't even know. And the families of Ryan's friends who started this whole thing, Mary Heiland and Trish Nagaki. It amazes me how many of these families bring their kids and how the kids participate with everything they have. I wish, Steven, that you could see little Connor Nagaki when he reads. It helps remove the clouds that surround most of the rest of the day.

And of course, the nuns. Those ladies are always there when anyone needs comforting. We all take them for granted some times because they never ask for anything, they just give of themselves.

I know Jean Marie must come home and tell you all about the love that is sent your way every night. I just was hoping that painting a verbal picture might warm your heart a little.

You are so loved, Steven. And more importantly, you are so loved by some of the most incredible people in this world.

unclejim said...

Sorry about following one long post with another, but I am on a roll. I need to address Bethany's mad comment of a few days back. There is a Prine song,'You can get mad and get madder, throw your hands in the air, and what does it matter, it don't do do good to get angry, so help me I know".

This points out a couple of things. First of all, when I was at Brophy, we were always corrected when we used the term "mad" to mean angry. Fr. Miller would say, "Dogs get mad, people get angry." Of course, he was also the one who would say, "Hot dogs, turkeys and hamburgers are done, people are finished." My point, hell I don't know. Just always thought that was funny and repeat it reflexively sometimes.

The question is though, is there any good to be gained by getting angry, or "mad" as the non-Brophy attending Demore girl would say. And we cannot fault her, as Tim just didn't have the seeds of a boy inside of him so Bethany had no brother to correct her usage of the term "mad". Be that as it may, it changes not the fundamental question. And I have to agree with Bethany, I do believe allowing oneself to get angry can motivate. The key though, is to get angry and then do something about it. If you just get angry and use that to feel sorry for your self, the anger becomes self destructive.

I am in awe of how you have handled your anger, Steven. I am so proud, so very, very proud to be your uncle.

annabelle said...

Hey Moke,

Thought I'd share your horoscope with you today. Mine are usually way off but your's today kinda says it all. "You are high energy and close to unstoppable. Tonight easy does it.

I love you Scooby Von Scobby. Always have, always will.

annabelle said...

I just realized your Dad's name for you was Scobby Von Scoobers.

Now I have to go through that damn word verification again.

craigV74 said...

I had no idea about this whole affair and when Mikey told me this am, I about fell over. Instead we ran and talked about summers on the Tolt, about 10k's at PLU, about how running and training together makes you brothers.

I am glad to have a brother that was never afraid to fight, to work hard, to give all of himself... I am even more glad to know that you are still ready to do all of those things. AS for my part i can tell you that I would rather grab another run with you and maybe a cherry coke at Ruby's. After all you are one of very few people that think I am worth listening to for 2 hours at a time every sunday.

In this I can offer a quote from one of my favorite literature courses....

"in Destinies sad or merry
True men can but try...."
-Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Much love and prayers from Seattle, whatever you need you ask for Bro

mary heiland said...

Uncle Jim’s post really warmed my heart. I, too, am amazed and comforted by the many people who come out each night to pray for you. It is such a nice group that gathers from all facets of your life … your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, nuns, priests and so many friends who are all connected through you. Everyone prays together and then stays to visit afterward in the beautiful new courtyard outside the church. Jim really painted a great visual picture. Ryan’s friends each take a mystery of the rosary and recite a decade. And little Connor puts his heart and soul into reading it just right … my favorite part is how he says “Golgotha” with such expression. Its cool how all Ryan’s friends know Uncle Jim because he was their baseball coach (and hero) in 3rd or 4th grade. The first thing he did before teaching them anything about baseball was to give them all nicknames. He hasn’t seen most of these boys in at least 5 years, but recognized them all (even though they’re about 2 feet taller) and remembered all their nicknames. And of course Aunt Mary Anne is so proud of the fact that they are able to read their parts of the novena because she taught them all to read in first grade. The SSJ community is so amazing and so “alive with the spirit”. Wish you could be there to experience this each night. Tonight was even more special because Msgr. O’Grady did the opening prayer asking St. Jude to send his saving grace upon you. It doesn’t get any better than that …

We will gather tomorrow (Sunday) at 5 p.m., then on Monday and Tuesday (Day 9) at 7 p.m. I encourage all your friends and family to join us in prayer for the miracle of your healing. Happy Mother’s Day to your beautiful mother who I know is enjoying just being with her children this weekend. Mary Anne said the same thing tonight … there is no greater gift for a mother than to have her children gathered close by.

"St. Jude, you witnessed the healing power of our Lord Jesus. You saw his compassion for the sick and dying. You yourself touched the sick, shared the sorrows of the mournful, and encouraged the despairing. You received this authority and healing power to work wonders, to cure the incurable, to make people whole. We ask you to intercede with our brother, Jesus, to send his saving grace to heal the sickness and suffering of Steven, to uplift his despondent spirits, and to instill hope in his heart. Amen."

Greg said...

Moke -
Greetings from Ted and Me from Chicago - ah, the Sunshine State. Actually, the city is living up to its actual nickname today with howling winds and rain. We've been having a great time. Although we've missed the novenas (novenae?) at SS&J rest assured we've been making our daily pilgrimage to another holy site a few blocks from our hotel for a slightly different novena (nine innings). Given today's inclement weather, it's doubtful that there'll be any baseball, so we're heading for the Museum of Science and Industry, but before we leave, we'll be getting down onto our prayer rugs (bath mats) and facing northwest to the nearby mecca at Clark and Addison. I'm glad you're still enjoying your CD, Lynn - it's the only mix I've ever made that repeats the same song 12 times. Moke, you're on our minds and in our discussions on this trip. Some great trips. Ted said what a great time he had with you and the cousins Wednesday night - a traditional Cardardy night with lots of laughs and humiliating stories. Can't wait to see you when we get back. Love you, Moke. Greg and Ted

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day Jeanie. From Moochie and Billy

Moke, can we please watch King Pin sometime soon?

All my love. Keep your faith.

draye said...

Hey Steve,
I feel like I've committed something akin to a sin of omission in not responding to this post sooner. Because I check the blog daily (at least once), I heard the news days ago but figured I should wait until I thought of something profound to say. It hasn't come to me, but I am finally conceding that it won't. My thoughts now are the same as when I first read the news: (1) fudge! [that might not be an exact quote] and (2) no one will fight harder that Steve.
Kevin and I met up in Philly last night and reflected on how undeservedly fortunate we are to have you for a friend. It's true. And we'd like to keep the undesert going for a long time, so hang in there!
With my continued prayers,

unclejim said...

I think the best feeling in the world is a hug. This may ruin my reputation as a player, and it may differ from what I may have said 30 something years ago, but it is how I feel. There are so many types of hugs. There is the Paris Hilton hug, bent over at the waste barely touching. There is the "I haven't seen you in forever" hug. There is the parent comforting a child and the child comforting the parent hug. There is Auntie Em's hug, which we usually try to avoid.

Before I made my Cursillo, I didn't hug much. I certainly didn't hug many men. But you do a lot of hugging on a Cursillo. And I found I really like hugs. It is hard to write about them without sounding perverted, but there is nothing perverted about them unless you are perverted to begin with and then everything you do is perverted (Quagmire, for any Family Guy fans)

The point of this is that I feel very much like we are sending you a great big hug every night, Steven. The last couple times I have actually hugged you, you were so skinny I felt as if i might break you. It reminded me of hugging you when you were a baby, not you but the feeling of fear I had. But sending out this hug every night is perfectly safe. And certainly un-Quagmirish.

I hope you can at least sense them. More and more people are joining in the hug. The Carrillos brought Mona's mom, sister and brother-in-law. Bethany and Jamie brought their sister Nicole, visiting from San Diego. And every night it seems like the Pierre family grows by one.

Enjoy your friends from SU and I hope for a pain free week.

As always, you have all my love, prayers and thoughts.

Marissa said...

Hey Steve!

I was at Gonzaga this weekend, and I was thinking about the time that you rode along with me to Spokane: the beautiful drive, CCR, and good conversation. It was a fun trip, and so nice to have company!

I have been praying for you through this journey. I pray that God holds you and your family tightly in the palm of his hand. You are loved! Take care of yourself and keep on keeping on!

Aunt Mary said...

Hey Sweetie,
I spent some time with Amie last night. Billy had all the moms over for Mother's Day. She said you were in great spirits and your pain was minimal. I so agree with Bethany and the anger issue. I suspect their are few of us that love you that are not pretty angry. But anger conveys spirit in some odd way, and I am delighted that you still have spirit. You'll need it. We are all staying positive and upbeat. There is truly no other way to be. Yesterday, I was feeling a bit down. My boys were in Chicago watching their beloved Cubs and Linds could sense that I was struggling. In typical Lindsay style she informed me that the best picker-upper was spending.....and off to the mall we went. That girl can shop. But very much to her credit, she is hurting as much as we all are in light of what you have endured, yet she commits herself to making those around her feel better. Her humor is incredible and her timing is even better.

Your cousins love you so, Steve. I am certain you know that.

I hope today is pain-free. Enjoy your company, and kiss my Jenny.

Love you so much my sweet angel.

Casey & Andrew said...

I just wanted to say that you are in my thoughts, and I am sending all of the positive energy that I can muster your way. I know it has been a while since I've seen you and that we don't hang out nearly as much as we did when we were kids (at the cabin and camping when you and jessie thought it would be a great idea to rub poison ivy all over your faces!), but I just want to echo everyone else's sentiments that if there was a person to overcome this, it would be you. Just thinking back on childhood memories and the times we've all hung out at family reunions, I've always gotten such a genuinely positive vibe from when you are around someone and you just sense that they are an amazing person- that truly is the energy you omit...and I have no doubt that that will see you through this battle.
We are all thinking of you and praying for you, and you have our utmost confidence in your strength and ability to persevere.

With love,
Casey Scott

Diane said...

Hi Steve,

Mega hugs and kisses to you. My thoughts and prayers are ever with you. I am so very proud of you. Hang in there Steve. So very many people love you! I know that God loves you too. His ways are unknowable by us, but ultimately, He wants us to be eternally happy with Him. Don't give up faith and hope. Remember, if I can do anything for you please just ask.


Aunt Diane

annabelle said...

Hey Moke,

Hope your Mom had as nice a Mother's day as I had. Heard from all my kids and saw most of them. Billy had a Bar-b-que and it was really nice. Lynn finally got to meet his girlfriend, Kate. She is a sweety. Today is Danny's last day of school. There was a big paper due today, and true to Danny's style, he told us last night he had a lot more to do. The cubs swept the diamondbacks so when Ted and Greg get back today we'll probably never hear the end of it. Think about you all the time and I'm so glad Jen is finished with school. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

Hope you are feeling better, heard that you had some minor problems with your stomach....that's not fun. I talked briefly to Mudge on mother's day, and she seemed so happy that the whole family was together.

I heard Jen went to Idaho with her mom, but I'm guessing she won't be gone long. When you communicate with her next, please tell her congratulations. I would like to think that since school is over, she may slow done somewhat, but knowing Jen, that won't happen.

We saw Aimers last night. Her and Poohie were in rare form. They both kept us laughing. I was glad to hear that Aimers will be working here in Phoenix.

I'm blowing kisses, prays, and all my love you way. Let me know when you will be in Phoenix....if you don't have plans, I will visit you in Tucson. Keep jumping over those hurdles, when you get tired, let us help!

Love you with all my heart, love you forever. Talk to you tomorrow.

P.S. Casey it was so nice to see your post! Hope all is well with you and your family. xoxox

unclejim said...


Remember when we waged the great music war? We had a few posers to the title. Some thought one post could catapult them to the top. Jen, go ahead and claim that title. Some actually threw down well, just lacked consistency. Scooter comes to mind. But the real challenge came from Breane Demore. I say challenge because we all know who the champion would be, humility aside. I mean, I have to admit to listening to Breane's playlist a lot. Well, I thought I could end the war for good by giving her a few recent CD's. Boy was I surprised when she fired back with some Cds of artists I didn't know. I can't wait to listen to them.

We had a major turn out tonight. I prayed that you could feel the power we were sending forth. I hope the support was of some comfort to Jean. I felt bad because I almost left before hugging Ryan. Happy Heiland cannot make it tomorrow so I gave him a great big hug of thanks. Ryan had to remind me he was right there. Yikes, I felt bad. Needless to say, Ryan got a hug too.

I continue to send all my love, prayers and thoughts.

edward said...


You wouldn't believe the head-wind i faced on Lakeshore Dr. today. Remember when we ran in the Ave. of the Giants and you told me you'd always prefer to err on the side of over doing it? Well, I think I took it a bit too literally today. Stiches are definitely no fun.
You have been such an inspiration to me. Every trip I took down to Tucson was one I'll never forget. I apologize for shouting at hillary so much; I just really dislike her.
You are, was and will always be a hero to me. I wish more than anything you were up for "an easy 10" (Pre). Not on Lakeshore, though.


The Dude said...

alright man, i'm not giving up the fight for freedom,
a free-er america. so tell me, in your honest opinion, if Ron Paul goes independent, why should i NOT vote for him, because my natural tendancy would be to vote for him.

(Dominic, you'll notice i asked steve for his opinion, i'm positive you're not lacking an opinion on this issue and i'd be delighted to hear it, all in good time)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sweetie,

I am having my first cup of java, and as always, I pulled up you blog as soon as I woke up.

I'm praying and sending positive thoughts your way that today will be a great day. I miss you and can't wait to see you.

I remember buying Maw-Maw and Poppie a little plaque for the boat that said something like, "God, please pray for me the sea is so wide and my boat is so small".

I'll talk to you tonight, but until then, remember that I love you so much.

Aunt Lynnie

Danny King said...

For some reason I was thinking about the sweet shirts your mom made for us that had our favorite baseball player on it. I think you haa Tony Gwynn, Ted had Sammy Sosa, and I had Ryne Sandberg. Good times.


Aunt Mary said...

Hey Sweetie,
Since you were an esteemed member of the Brophy faculty for a short time, I thought you might find this story entertaining. I was proctoring the AP European History exam, yes, AP, when a tiny hand flew up approx. 5 minutes into the exam. This shy, very nervous sophomore who was experiencing the whole AP process for the first time, asked me what the 21st century was. While I felt completely sorry for the lad, I seriously wanted to tell him to seal his booklet right there and go out and treat himself to a Blizzard. I'm thinking his score may be reflective of his question. Poor guy....

I am hoping that your throat is feeling better. I am waiting in the wings for the go signal on the eggplant paremesan. However, cousin Ted may be down to "share" it with you. You'd better eat fast. Theo looks a little like cousin Eddy when he's eating something he loves! That boy loves to eat, and I will say the Peace Corps has made him not the least bit picky!!!

I hope Jen's move is going smoothly. That Martha Stewart gene she seemes to have will surely come in handy. I can imagine that evey box is not only labeled but perhaps there might be some drawings of the contents on the outside of the box as well.....

Well, my year is winding down. My seventh, actually. That is really hard to imagine. How I have been graced by this community.....I'm sure you can relate.

I love you, Steve. A hug to that sweet girl who has the shoes I want!

Aaron Van Dyke said...


I completely agree with what you said, put yourself in the category of survivor! There's a little quote by Anthony DeMello that came to mind "Peace is only found in yes." As you've probably come to realize, it does no good to think "if only" because there's nothing we can do about the past. All we can do is say "yes" to the future that lays before us. Keep fighting!


"Mamma" Draye said...

Sending you lots of love from soggy Seattle. Believe what the MD said about the stats...AND believe that you are swimming in the pool of survivors. My love and prayers to you and your family.

unclejim said...

Well, Steven, we ended the Novenas with a bang tonight. It was standing room only, although it kind of always is as I have to stand. Ever since the first night when I couldn't get out of the seat without help, the youngsters all scatter if they see me sitting down. Nick Ayers said after lifting me up the first night, he didn't have to go to the gym the rest of the week.

It was truly an amazing nine nights. I wanted so much for you to see and hear those praying in your support. I don't know how you could possibly have touched so many people. Your mom told us about your coach from SU. It made me want to pull Scooter out of the U and make him transfer to SU immediately. And run track. He could relive the Knights of Columbus track meet.

It was neat tonight as there were quite a few runners in attendance. I introduced Daley Burr to Bethany. Daley runs for Xavier. Or did. After Bethany and Jamie got done talking to her about the coach, it is iffy about whether she will return. I asked them if they had ever read Lindsay's story about the XCountry team. As they hadn't, we felt it might be good for Lins to post it. Jamie said she and Lins always finished together, and not at the front of the pack. I can only wonder if she too got to wear the shorts that were three sizes too big. Tony was there and there was a guy with a Portland State shirt on that listed all the schools in their conference on the back. Seattle was right there. And Bethany's boyfriend was there and he is also a runner. It made me think that there were probably five or six runners there whose combined time in a race of any distance would be better than mine, at my peak. They all made me wish I would have ran competitively, as they seem like such a great bunch. But I have known that for a while as I have one of the greatest as a nephew.

Well, the Pierre clan finally ran out of new kids. But somehow the Ayers added one. Girlfriend maybe. Speaking of inspirational kids, Ryan must be something pretty special as an awful lot of his friends are there every night. They usually lead us in the rosary. Ryan may be destined for political office as he seems to be an ambassador of sorts. He is really a great kid and I am pretty damn proud to be his uncle also.

An hour doesn't go bye that I don't think of you. I wish I could send more than prayers and love, but it is about all I have. Please know that there are a whole bunch of us doing the same thing though. I think everyone there tonight sends their love but none more than I.

One last thing, I promise a review of the four Cds sent to me by Breanne. I listened to three today, one twice. But in my typical fashion, I paid no attention to whom I was listening. Give me a couple days and I will render judgement on how she stacks up against, well me. It still kind of amazes me she could send four I hadn't heard. A bit humbling if you want to know the truth. And I am not by nature the least bit humble when it comes to music. I have to try harder.

I hope you have a peaceful day. All my love.

Anonymous said...

We woke up this morning to clouds, wind, and rain (I guess snow in Flag, and I am not sure about Tucson!). The house was dark and quiet. The electricity was out and there was a peacefullness that is not easily emulated in the craziness of the world. Pat was a bit bummed because Mario Cart for the Wii wouldn't work (a new addiction and a bit of an upgrade from Bubble Burst), but as we sat down to eat breakfast (cold) I was reminded of some of the positives of thought and silence (a learned appreciation from the days abroad).

Halfway through breakfast the electricity came on and I was the one who was bummed. Sometimes it is so nice to just have quiet. No hum of the computer, no newshead talking loudly, no music (although, I know it too is important), no treadmill, no microwave, just silence. In those ten/fifteen minutes of silence (and a nice cool breeze through the windows) I thought of you. I hoped that today was comfortable for you. And I sent you my love.

As the day ends, Pat and Lizzie are still playing Mario Cart and I (and them too I know) am still thinking of you. Here's to a good night's sleep and lot's-o-love from Glendale.

The Chadds said...

It’s true. There were quite a few runners tonight. Meeting Daley Burr brought back a flood of memories from high school. While Jamie and Lindsay might not agree, I am grateful every day for the confidence, the discipline, and most of all, the friendships running gave me. I am also extremely grateful for the evenings I have spent at Saint Simon and Jude praying the Novena with those that love you so much. It has been nothing short of an amazing experience getting to pray and talk with everyone. Jim is right – aside from being a stud on the lax field, Ryan has all the makings of a leader. I have also really enjoyed getting to know your Uncle Jim. He is a truly a wonderful person that loves you with all of his heart. Based on some the stories I’ve heard about his experiences with my dad in high school, I can’t imagine how he turned out so well. I couldn’t agree more with his post a few days ago about hoping that our prayers feel like a big hug to you. Use The Spirit however you can – be it a hug or wind on your back propelling you forward.

Jean – Here is a website that describes the Holy Water (Mary’s home near Ephesus and the spring that runs through her bedroom). I Googled “Ephesus Virgin Mary” and found several websites if you want more information!

Steve – This Novena may be done but the prayers won’t stop. I know i speak for all of the DeMores when I say you are in my thoughts and prayers every hour of each day. Sweet dreams and do whatever your mom says to do with the Holy Water!

Anonymous said...

Hey Baby Doll,

Today was a beautiful day in Phoenix. I took my coffee outside this morning, and the thought that came to my mind was, "Today is a day that God made for us, let us rejoice and be glad."

I hope you had a peaceful day with no pain. Am still anxious to visit with you, I will arrange a day that Moochie and I can drive to Tucson. I send all my love and positive thoughts your way-still waiting to help you over the hurdle.

Love you so much,
Aunt Lynnie

MDraye said...

Hey Steve, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Your positive attitude is so inspiring, and I know without a doubt you are going to kick this things butt.
- Marie

Jessie Scott Spalding said...


I am sending all my prayers, positive thoughts, and love out constantly. I'm also wearing my Saints bracelet that my Nana gave to me (which Lynn gave to her) for that extra oomph.

I don't usually use words like inspirational but it really does sum you up.

Much love to you and the fam and let me know if you need any good book recommendations (I can recommend LOTS of teen novels that totally rock). Plus most grown ups have yet to delve into the YA realm.

Again love you lots.


Jessie Scott

Unknown said...


I spoke with Brian a few hours ago while he was at the airport. I'm glad that you made it to the pool, and that you've made progress with your strength since last week. Since the guys won't let me drive the relay van, perhaps we can sit and talk about books and make fun of them while they are running. We love you and plan on seeing you this summer. Stay strong.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

I am sending hugs, love, kisses and positive thoughts that hopefully will make you feel even stronger. I heard you had a great time with your visitors. I also, think the pool would be good. Just to walk through the pool should make you stronger. I remember Maw-Maw Morrison walking in the pool at her old condo. She would try to walk 20 times across the pool everynight during the warmer weather.

Hope your throat is feeling better and that you will be able to drink more. I can imagine how frustrating it is for you!

Getting ready for the bunkhouse, I have to work early tomorrow. I went and spent the day with Makenna today. I was kind of embarrassed that while Makenna was sleeping, I must have dozed off (sounds like a story told by an old old grandam) on the couch. When Mary came home I woke up and was happy to see Makenna was still sleeping.

I love you so much and think about you all the time. I was telling Makenna, while I rocked her and sang You Are My Sunshine, that all her Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins also fell asleep to that very same song.

Love you forever,
Aunt Lynnie

annabelle said...

Have to make a few comments: Jim saying he is not too humble, do you believe it? Lynn you must be having a senior moment..That plaque, DEAR GOD, BE GOOD TO ME, THE SEA IS SO WIDE AND MY BOAT IS SO SMALL. Was a card i decoupaged to a piece of word I bought at Michaels. One just like it was on Jimmy Carters's desk.

Linds publish your running article but change the names to protect the innocent,or not so innocent.

Steven, I hope you had a good time with the folks from Seattle.
Knowing some of the people who taught there and were students there, I would highly recommend it. It has a terrific campus and is close to the town where is seemed like a lot was going on. I really enjoyed it.

I am impressed with all the cousins and family and your loyal friends. the Demores, Tony, dom. the dude (don't know him,) Paula and brian, kevin(is that the rev. kevin, and anyone hear from Elliot?, Adrian, your cousins and the scott girls. Your Aunt Diane (anytime you want to come out Diane, I would love to have you stay with me. The other Collins girls and so many more. Did you notice I said impressed,,,courtesy of Pete
no more surprised. I'm a fast learner, Dom.

I heard you had a popcicle. Next are my smoothes. Maw Maw Morrison would offer me "a nice cold beer" if I told her i was pregnant again or had a terminal disease. It was her cure for everything. Just sit down and have a "nice cold beer).

Met Billy for lunch today. Actually he met me for the twelve o'clock mass.

I know you Moke and I know you will see this through with success,. I will see this through with you and then we'll have a celebration with all the SU friends, All the brophy and Xavier friends and all the cousins and aunts and uncles. My treat. In the mean time I love you and Jen and constantly thinking and praying for you. It's late and I took a sleeping pill about an hour ago, so I hope this makes sense. I'm too tired to read it over and i still have to go through the damn word verification.

The Dude said...

dude, steve, you have no idea how frustrating ''my'' athletes are being right now in track. they honestly asked me yesterday, ''coach, when's the ice cream run, when are we going for slurpees?" Are you kidding me?

...and i think, based our previous convos during runs(in the 1st 5miles, before you and mikey dropped me) i'd think you'd be right there with me. they just don't understand that the Track is a damn privelege.

i think part of it is that they all drive nicer cars than me...or my parents. they call their cars ''birthday gifts". I call them, ''the reason your child runs so slow"

But i do have those few few athletes that will line up for that one extra repeat, or another hill after the head coach's ''requirement'' is over...just looking at a kid and watching them step up to the line keeps me coming back. YOu can almost see them say to themselves, "yes, yes i'm going to go one more"

As for the rest that put their sweats on and walk their cool downs, just one less name i have to remember. harsh? maybe, but there's a reason i'm not the head couch(a couple of them really)

sharing the track with you was such a privelege steve, especially b/c we ran such different races. soooooooo, i guess my point is this:


unclejim said...

I had to forward the Dude's comments on to the Hickman boys. What a great commentary on difference between those willing to put forth the effort to succeed and those who believe they are entitled to succeed. If we measure success by how wealthy someone is, then it is true some people can inherit success. But real success has nothing to do with wealth. It is making the best of what God has given you and using those gifts to help make the world a better place. Making the world a better place is not a huge undertaking. it doesn't mean you have to go out and cure aids in Africa, unless God has given you the gifts to do just that. But we all have gifts, some less obvious than others. And the trick is to use those gifts to make a difference.

You have inspired a bunch of people to make a difference. All of those people who would show up for the rosary were using a gift God has given them, faith, to try and make your days easier. And of course, there were plenty who were not there who are doing things in their own way. I know you are never out of the prayers of your aunts, cousins and grandmother. Bethany told me her little sister is using you as her meditation point when she does her daily yoga. Just the fact that people post on this blog daily is a perfect example.

You have brought out the good in so many people. I know if you had your druthers, and I agree, that it would have been nice if there was a different reason for these outpourings of love, but God makes the rules, not us. If His letting you get so sick shakes our faith, He builds it back up through the actions of those who strive to help. I don't know how anyone can doubt the existence of a soul once they hear about the actions of someone such as your ex-coach. We are more than a conglomeration of biological parts. God made us in His image and as we all know, he was the ultimate example of doing something for mankind when He died on the cross.

I apologize if this seems too heavy of a topic for this blog. But what we have to go on is our faith. Faith will get you and your mom and you dad and Amie and Ryan and all of the rest of us through this. It is the gift God gave us to use in just this type of situation.

I hope yu have a good day and I have Faith that you will get through this.

All my love.

unclejim said...

In my emotional state, I forgot the person who has been the most unselfishishly supportive, Jen. Blame it on age, but we all know what a huge role she has played and how much she means to not only you but to all of us.

By the way, just as I finished writing, the song "Amie" came up on my iPod. Didn't help my emotional state.

Unknown said...

Moke: Dan's comments about the puffy paint shirts brought back some good memories. Dan, you forgot that Jean made me one of Bo Jackson. Those were sweet. Anyway, what's the deal with Burns? He's horrible -- 6 for his last 60 something. All my thoughts and love. Next time you're up here, I believe we need to schedule a King Pin viewing. Keep that jib full.

Aunt Mary said...

Hey T,

I am on a break at the moment from proctoring the AP Macroecon exam. You would be so proud...out of the 61 students sitting for the exam, about 20 signed their names to the test and promptly laid their sorry heads down for a little snooze....a three hour snooze. They paid $84.00 to take it, but realized that they will get the AP credit without taking the test. I came so close to pulling one kids hair, but he was already drooling, and I thought better of it.

Amie and Ryan came over for dinner last night. Ryan and cousin Eddie (Ted) made short work of the pot pie. Ryan reminded me gently that he is a growing boy, to which I responded, that tires around the waist are not all that conducive to Lacrosse. After dinner, Ryan decided to show Linds , Amie and I some conditioning exercises. Linds was really into it ......No....She made up her own. That was the end of that!!!

I have to go back to my exams.....Yuk, but I just wanted you to know how much I am thinking of you and how much I love you. Kisses to my Jenny.

annabelle said...

Hey Moke, me again. Lynn and I are going to CT the 20th of May and I won't be back until the 29th. Carter graduates and I haven't seen those Manos' since Oct. (except Scott). Anyway, I was thinking , if you and Jen would like to spend some time in Phoenix, you are MORE then welcome to stay at my house (near the Novaks, Lins and Ted, Mary and Danny, Wacky, Billy and your Mom and dad,Rye and Dop.) Just a thought depending on appts. at the U of A med. center. Actually, if you decide it's a good idea, you could spend the whole summer here. I could stay at Lynn's or Mary's.

Could someone let me know when Jen is coming back? I don't know if I should send meals down there or not. I know Tom is not too interested, especially anything sweet, but I might have a taker in Jen.

Hang in there, Moke. You have a hugh army behind you and I believe.

Laura said...

Hey Steven!

Just a little hello shout out from Denver! Kisses, hugs and prayers!

Danny King said...

A Correction:

Teddy's shirt had Kevin Mitchell on it, not Sammy Sosa. I apologize to any and all who relied on this misinformation to their detriment.


Dop said...

Steve, do you think Matt is implying that your success in running was actually due to the fact that mom made us drive her old green minivan to Brophy that year after Grandma had to give up the Oldsmobile because she thought the voices coming out of the speakers were evil?

Love you.

Adrian said...

I assume you are still not feeling terribly well (although you're making good steps toward it) and Jen is not in town but if I am wrong and you have the desire than you guys are more than cordially invited to my graduation ceremony this Saturday at 5:30pm in Centennial Hall. I successfully defended yesterday so I guess the new label is now PhD.
Maybe it's redundant to a certain extent to tell you that I keep you in my thoughts but I do. And that hugging club that was opened for you, I have a subscription.
Last Saturday I wanted to join the wonderful group in Phoenix that prayed for you. In one of my most uninspired moments I did not print the directions and just wrote down the street and thought my visual memory of the map will be enough. I also started late from Tucson. I ended up pretty frustrated on some streets near I-17 that had nothing to do with the church. I have had for some time a theory of how if you keep studying you might end up not being able to do simple things and I guess after this event I have at least an observation that might help supporting the theory. Hopefully I will not contribute too many more.
Also, thanks Lauren for your post about the Awareness book, I immediately bought it and I enjoy it quite a lot.

Adrian said...

I forgot: a somehow related book I enjoyed is The untethered soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer

Mary Driscoll King said...

I am all for you and Jen living at Maw-Maws! That way Linds and I can hop on our cute cruisers and head on over to see you guys. Dan can stay with the baby....

Love you guys so much!

Mary D.

unclejim said...

I have been to this website a 1000 times and one thing keeps bothering me. Maybe someone from Seattle can explain it to me. The picture of the Emerald City Invitational. Were any other schools invited? If so, why are all of you together? Is it like how girls have to go to the bathroom in groups? Were all of you faster (slower) than the rest of the field? What gives?

Robert said...


Just wanted to let you know I’m still thinking of you. I got some pics posted on the internet of the good ole Seattle U days. I know there are a lot of other former runners reading this so I figured they might like seeing them as well.

If that does not work, or it asks for a password:

Password: madeline

People, let me know if this does not work.


Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

First of all, those shirts your Mom painted were awesome. I remember watching her paint part of some one's shirt and I was absolutely in awe. Mudge is pretty talented. I also remember telling the boys that we should put the shirts in a frame, so they wouldn't ruin them. That didn't happen. But just a couple of months ago, Mudge was using her paint brush to create the cutest Brophy outfit for Makenna. It's a Bleacher Babe Brophy Onesie (sp?). I bet Mary Beth would take a picture with Makenna wearing it..or maybe we should frame it???

It doesn't look like Moochie and I will make it to Tucson until we get back from CT. I will give Connie a big hug and kiss for you. It's hard to believe that Carter is graduating and headed to Miami for College.

I agree with Mary Beth that you and Jen should stay at Moochies. Of course I have a biased opinion, because if you stay there, Maw Maw comes here and I get delicious meals every Breadie would say "Oh Yeah".

Oh Baby how I wish there was someway to help you through this...I wish so badly that I could do something to make you feel better. I am so proud of the fighter in you, and admire the whole team, you of course, Jen, your dad and mom, Doppie and Breadie. You are and have always been so special to me, I love you more than the sky.

Aunt Lynnie

Tom and Jean-I love you two so much, you guys are incredible.

Unknown said...

I think that I can shed some light on your Uncle Jim's question: yes, the three of them were often like girls who went to the bathroom together, and often, too often, I had to get Brian to settle them down.

Dude.... I see that you learned a few coaching lessons from Brian.... yes, for similar reasons he was not the head coach...

And yes, it was a privilege to work with all of you

Steve, enjoy the popsicles. I'm glad that you can get some things down.

mary heiland said...

Last night we headed down to SSJ for the spring band concert at 7 p.m. As we pulled into the parking lot it felt strange that our destination was the stage of Smith Hall rather than the benches of the church courtyard. The kids all commented how they wished everyone would be there to pray the novena for you. It had become such a big part of our lives for those “nine amazing nights” as it had for so many others.

I don’t think anyone enjoyed being there more than your Uncle Jim. He didn’t miss a night. Jim had the awesome idea of continuing to gather weekly to pray the rosary in your name. Unfortunately, the next evening that was chosen to gather (May 21st) happens to be the much anticipated graduation of novena reader #1 (aka Happy’s sister) and the infamous SSJ class of 2008. You don’t even want to try to find a parking space in the lot that night!

So we’ve changed the next rosary to Tuesday, May 20th @ 7 p.m. and hope to continue to gather every Tuesday night from then on. This was suggested as the best day to meet as there is adoration to attend as well as Mass at 6:30 p.m. for those interested.

Ss. Simon & Jude Church is located on the east side of 27th Ave. just north of Bethany Home Rd. Look for the big cross. Hopefully Adrian won’t get lost next time and can join this interconnected group of Steven’s friends and family who “gather to ask God to help, in whatever way His divine intentions are”.

A message to all …Come when you can, come get a hug, come feel the peace and power of prayer … just come!

It’s 11:00 p.m. and you are loved.

The Chadds said...

Popsicles! Nice! I’m thinking Fudgsicles could be a great next step. Mmmm, chocolaty goodness. And, of course, they are best enjoyed outside in the sun! Way to go Steve - keep it up!

Greg said...

Good Morning, Moke -

Mary's heading down to Tucson tomorrow with Jean. Ted and I will be down Sunday. Can't wait to see you. Is that huge bird (owl/hawk) still hanging around? I vote hawk.

Popsicles? Fudgesicles? Okay, I like em, but how about an Eegees? All the Egees in Phoenix closed many years ago, so whenever we were in Tucson for Ted and Lins' sports, we always stopped at Eegees for a delicous frozen treat. Ted and I will bring you one when we come Sunday. How 'bout a pina colada flavor?

Not only do I fondly remember the shirts Jean made you guys, Ted brought his Kevin Mitchell T out on Wednesday - still looks great after the hundreds (thousands?) of wearings and washings it endured. Lins said she'll get a T shirt frame from Urban so we can retire it to the status of the high art it is. I remember guys coming up to you boys whereever you went asking in amazement where you got those shirts.

Well, senor, got to drag my sorry bum to work. Can't wait to see you. Love, Greg

Anonymous said...

Just found out that New Kids on the Block are is gonna be a good day!

Hope it is for you too. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

I'm having my java and need to get ready for work, but wanted to send you my love and positive thoughts.

Last night I dreamt about the Maw-Maw and Popie annual Christmas present to Disneyland. One of my favorite trips in the motor home.
"That there is a R.V. Clark".

I love all of you so much and will talk to you tonight.

Aunt Lynnie

Aunt Mary said...

Hey Babe,
Your mom's handpainted shirts reminded me of so many wonderful summer memories of you guys. Truthfully, there were days, between Billy chasing Danny down with a wiffle ball bat, knocking the head off of St Francis, and not telling me (I quickly found out while hosing down the patio and his head came rolling off, Amie and Lindsay attempting to pierce eachothers ears when they were four, when I wanted to tie you all up. I so fondly think of uncle Jim Uncle playing so hard and so long in the pool with all the kids that he was flat on his back the next day,

And Ted convincing you there was a toilet monster. You were so terrified Jean had to call and ask me to put Ted on the phone because you would not use the bathroom.

I so often have people comment on the incredible family I have. I couldn't agree more. The memories involving all my neices and nephews are so near and dear to my heart. I am so proud of each and every one of you. You have never failed to amaze me. Whether it's Lizzie graduating Summa Cum Laude, Ted and the Peace Corps, The gentle soul and sweet smile of Mickey and on and have made all of us so grateful to have graced us with more than any parent could hope for.

I love you, Mok.

Dop said...

Lynn I guess you weren't in the motorhome that Patrick peed in.

Anonymous said...

Hey Amie,
I don't remember that, but when I read what you wrote, it didn't surprise me, I kind of giggled...that's my boy!

Congratulations to all the graduates. Carter from Suthfield Academy, Griffin from grade school-he moves on to middle school, Liz from ASU, Amie with her Masters from NAU, and Danny with his JD from Santa Clara. I know there is a big smile on Poppie's face...Probably more for Lizzie because of her being a Sun Devil!!!I know Moochie is very proud. As we all are!

I think it's important for all of us to celebrate the good things happening, while praying for Steven and his quest.

So for all of you graduates, Congrats!!!!

And for you Steven, more positive energy, prayers and all of my love. I am so proud of the man you have become....I was crazy about the infant, toddler and child you were too!

Love to you all, and thanks Doppie for setting Patrick straight!

Aunt Lynnie

annabelle said...

One of the motor homes we took to Disneyland came with a smell built in (and it wasn't Wacky), but every time someone used the bathroom everyone let out a yell. I think Poppie finally stopped and had it flushed out. The rest of the trip was a lot better. How about the time we went to the Grand Canyon on the train and it snowed the next day or the time we went to Junipine and they had that big flood, or the time we went to disneyland and it rained? A lot of the people left but we stayed and could go on all the rides without waiting, of course we sat in a couple of inches of water on all the rides. We always said we went for you kids but Poppie and I were never happier. How were we so lucky to have such great kids?

Moke, fight depression. I know from experience it's a killer. You can beat this..good times are still to come. I love you and can't help thinking about you all the time.

annabelle said...

I remember the shirts Jean made and how excited you boys were to get them, but what about the dresses Mary Ann made for the girls so they were all alike? What talented people we have in our family!!!

Greg said...

Those were all great trips, Annabelle. I've got video of most of them. We should plan a film festival. I didn't notice any mention of the 1 star hotel we stayed in on Katella that one year. Is that the place where the boys had free nasty movies in their room? One thing I remember on that trip was that Poppie and I were walking around the Matterhorn and some guy spit from the sky ride and it landed right in my Coke - Amazing shot! On the Junipine trip I had to drive up with Mike because we both had to work late. With all the flooding it took us about 3 hours to get there - seemed more like 30. Thanks to you and Poppie for some incredible trips. Greg

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Baby Doll,

I am praying for a pain free day with lots of love from your family and friends. You have so many people cheering you on, it's nothing short of incredible. What a tribute to the person you have become. I love you so much and will talk to you later tonight.

Love and Kisses,
Aunt Lynnie

Danny King said...

My favorite part of the Junipine trip is when we (cardardy's) did some hiking and found a treasure that changed our lives forever...

annabelle said...

You have left me hanging, Danny.
Any of you cardaries willing to confess or enlighten us??

annabelle said...

You have left me hanging, Danny.
Any of you cardaries willing to confess or enlighten us??

Unknown said...

This is probably very inappropriate, but here's a hint: Club, Fox, Purely 18 -- any of these award winning publications ring a bell? I however didn't have the same "experience" since Dan absconded into the woods with the booty before anybody else had a chance to enjoy. Thanks Dan.

annabelle said...

and it probably stayed under his mattress for years

unclejim said...

I had a long, hot bike ride this afternoon. I kept thinking about you, wondering how your day was going. I usually think of Tom when I am on the bike. I get really angry at myself for not being better. When I look at the pictures of you running, ride with Tom, talk with Bethany, I get motivated to make my workouts better. The look of determination on your face in all those pictures that were posted is just classic. That drive was most definitely inherited from your dad. I just wish the motivation for me lasted longer. I just cannot force myself to do anything that will improve my speed. I am content to plod for 30 miles, just as I was content to run a 4:00 marathon so many years ago. Lately, there has been so much on my mind that I have enjoyed just riding, not worrying how fast I was going.

The CDs Bethany's sister gave me are good, actually two are very good. I don't know if you are listening to your iPod at all, but I would be glad to add these. There is one by a band named This Holiday Life that I have listened to repeatedly. I also like The Coconut Records. Finding good new music is to me as a good run or good bike ride is to Tom. Listening to something like Holiday Life for the first time can lift my spirits for the whole day. I was just telling Scooter that I don't think I could ride my bike if I didn't have my iPod to listen to.

Scooter has made the decision to transfer to ASU next year. All things being equal, I think the decision came down to the fact that all of the available girls at the U are in sororities. Whereas, at ASU they are, uhm, available. I am just glad he has his priorities straight.

Thanks for the inspiration of the race face. And for all the rest of the inspiration you have provided so many of us. Let me know if you need new music.

Love and prayers

Jason said...

Hey Steve,

This is Jason Kidd from SSJ (old school). I just wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you & your familia ever since I got word about the cancer. I was actually in Tucson taking a class through Notre Dame when I got word from Tony. I live up in the beautiful NW (Portland) kind close to where you went to college i guess. Anyhow, I passed the word along to some other old SSJ folks including Rusty Harrison. We are pulling for you & your fam. Your courage & peace through all of this is such an example of hope! Keep up the fight - Philippians 4:13

-The Kidds (& kids)
Jason, Sarah, Hannah & Grace

Jason said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
annabelle said...

Hey Moke,

Where you with the cardardies when they ate snail food? Dr, Shembab (?) told mary and Lynn to get you guys to throw up. When Bean stuck his finger down Ted's throat, he bit him. Such choice words from Uncle Bean.

I think you are in Phoenix now, so I'm planning on seeing you either today or tomorrow. Stay focused, don't be a hero, when you need pain meds, use them. We all know what you're capable of so think positive thoughts and beat this monster. You can do it.

I love you, Moke and I'm not giving up. You will be one of those special survivors.

My word verification has "hug" in the middle so here it is from me.

Senor Groseta said...

Last night I saw some kids involved in some suspicious activity, that I believe probably ended in some TP'ing. Made me think back of a time in high school when Ted and I were wanting to do something some Saturday night, but Steve and AJ both opted to stay home. Ted and I decided to teach them a lesson and instead of actually doing something, spent our Saturday night (this was probably when we were about 16 or 17, mind you) TP'ing both houses. We got the Manos's pretty good and then drove over and got the Peil's, but that's when Karma kicked in. We made too much noise and AJ came charging out the front door. Ted and I bolted for his car and Ted, in his hurry to get into the car, broke the key in the door lock. He had to call Greg to bring a spare key. The next morning I drove by the Manos's to revel in our late night decorating, and was shocked to see the house in pristine condition with not a sign of toilet paper. I don't know if it's true, but Steve told me that Jean picked it all up, which made me feel horrible. I would like to believe that Steve cleaned it all up and just told me otherwise to make me feel guilty, but I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone else that had to clean up toilet paper or drive a key to their son in the middle of the night. The pranks were immature and ill-timed. I'm sorry.

Greg said...

Not so, Tony. It's a classic. I don't remember having to drive out there, but it sure brings back fond memories of those years. Greg

beannotsotiny said...

What an amazing family unit. I read the stories with pure delight. I recall listening to Maw Maw and Poppie decribe the early family trips with total joy. How fortunate you all were to have these memories. These were the times I missed the most not being in Phoenix other than right now.

You are always on my mind! Hey, did your band have a name? I recall something about drums but am alittle fuzzy on the details.

mary heiland said...

Just a reminder that tomorrow night we will resume our weekly gathering at Ss. Simon & Jude Church to pray for Steven. Please consider joining this ever growing circle of friends & family who gather to pray the rosary. It’s at 7 p.m. in the Church courtyard … 27th Avenue north of Bethany Home Road. Come if you can and pray for God’s divine intervention.

edward said...


Tony, you did not respect our mutual agreement that the embarrassment of that night was never to be resurrected. I really thought a.j. was going to beat the tar out of us that night.
Well, I just watched a survivor of lymphoma pitch a no-hitter tonight against a pretty offensively competent royals squad. It would normally awe me to see someone afflicted with cancer achieve such a feat, but I have too much pride in my cousin who has taken so much pain with an almost constant "thumbs up" to be too taken aback. It should be your ass, not the young left-hander's, that John Kruk should be kissing.
All my prayers to you, dude.

lindsayellen said...

someone peed in a water bottle at work tonight and left it in the fitting room...

i guess what im trying to say is that i hope your night was better than mine.

i love you and think about you nonstop. you are my hero.


Dop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dop said...

Bean - the name of Steve's band was "The Brain Donors" and I believe Brian Anderson still has a copy of their music video in which they steal canned food from Safeway (only after they paid for it and asked permission to run out of the store), bashed up cardboard replicas of their respective instruments and jumped into the pool fully clothed. The jumping in the pool part is only funny because Jean and I went to pick him up from Brian's afterward on our way to church and Steve was soaking wet. Needless to say Jean was none too pleased about his disrespecting our Lord that way. It was totally worth it though cause the video is hilarious and will provide a lifetime of embarrassment.

beannotsotiny said...

Dop-- You Tube?

unclejim said...

When I was in High School, Maw-maw Morrison got me a job at Globe, a store somewhat like Target. I worked in the men's section. One day, I was cleaning out the dressing rooms and found that someone had peed all over some of the clothes. I asked my supervisor what should be done with the soiled garments and was told to fold them and put them back on the shelf.

So Lindsay, I think we should applaud the evolution of our society. At least we are now peeing in easily removable containers.

Steven, put on your race face. It sure inspires me every morning when I look at the picture of the three of you running.

Aunt Mary said...

Steve, I remember telling you the story a few years ago of Greg and I sitting on Ted's bed one night before tucking him in, and he seemed so sad. He had spent the day fishing with his uncle Mark, an event that he looked so forward too, and woke up everyday prior to the final day asking if today was the day, yet he hadn't said much when he got home. We asked him why he was so sad. Did it have something to do with fishing? He looked up at us with those big blue eyes, slightly blurred with little tears and said, fooler in his mouth, "I really don't want to fish again. It's not fair to the fish, and it's not fair to the worm. Vintage Ted. You laughed so hard. We have to get you laughing again, my angel.

I love you so, so much.

Mudge said...

A short update on Steve is overdue. He is in Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix due to very high, and apparently toxic, levels of calcium that leached from his bones. It was time to find a new oncologist anyway since his doctor at the University Med. Center in Tucson will be leaving soon. Right now he is working at regaining his strength and fighting a lot of back pain. What the next step is, and where, has not been determined. He was in good spirits tonight and as always keeps a very positive cheerful outlook. Seeing the cousins seemed to get him chatting more than usual. Jean

lindsayellen said...

its hard to believe that its summertime again. i feel like it just ended. my fondest memories lie in the infamous summers with the cousins. i dont recall even noticing the heat back then. i do remember looking so forward to friday nights at los comprades. i mostly remember ames and i pissing you and ted off beyond belief. i also remember the contest to see who could get closest to the door at Waynes, the fine drinking establishment next door, without chickening out.

tomorrow's a new day.

love you


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Prayers that Steve can find a great doctor that can give him the care he needs. That he can also get better soon.

unclejim said...


The compassion you showed about my back pain last night was amazing. You are lying in a hospital bed and yet I was the object of your concern. Besides feeling a bit like a schmuck when I left, I think it shows what an amazing (sorry I know that is twice I have used that word but nothing else fits) person you are. You are an inspiration to me in so many ways. And judging from the crowd last night at the rosary, I know I am not alone.

Put that race face on and beat today.

All my love and prayers go your way today.

Mudge said...

Steven started radiation on his back today to relieve the pain there and hopefully make him better able to move around. He says "the pain is paralyzing." He comes home from the hospital tomorrow to our house in least for now. Seems like all his energy is spent fighting pain, nausea, and/or fatigue. In spite of all this he is always cheerful to others that visit and complaint free. It's pretty amazing; the silent world he learned to live in when he couldn't talk for all those months must've enabled him to be a quiet sufferer. He is truly an inspiration to me as I sit by his side wondering how he's feeling, what he's thinking, and where it hurts. He doesn't feel the need to share his pain. That's ok because his roommate, although a friendly fellow, has done quite a bit of loud moaning, groaning, and swearing all day and long into the night to fill Steve's void. Luckily, about 5:30 am on the first morning, after a sleepless night of listening to that, he discovered the hospital supply of earplugs. They actually work, so if you live with a snorer invest in a pair! Jean

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Prayers for comfort, peace and faith in knowing that God must have something special in mind for your future Steven. You are surely a inspiration to many.

unclejim said...

Mary Anne always said that earplugs were not as much fun as yelling at me to wake up, turn over or get out of bed and down to the couch. Well, she didn't actually say that but judging from her actions that is the only conclusion that could be reached.

Jean is so right. You have become such an inspiration. I hope I do a better job emulating the way you suffer your back pain silently than I was able to emulating your training regimen.

It must be nice to have Jen back. Enjoy each other and I hope the treatment calms the pain down

Unknown said...

Dear Steve,
I awoke with a headache at 4:15 this morning and as I lay there waiting for my extra-strength excedrin to take effect all I could think of was you and your family. I did not even know what to pray for so I simply asked the Lord to make His presence known to all of you, to comfort you, give you relief from pain and give you strength to get through the day.
Toni Geare Lewis

Mudge said...

Steve came home Friday, but ended up back in the hospital Sat. night with a fever. He is still there and had a CT scan done on his lungs this morning. No results yet. His fever is kind of like tide, rising and ebbing, but never going away. He has an ear infection, but there may be more of a reason for it since he's been on antibiotics through his IV for over 24 hours and it peaked again @ 4AM. He is very weak in body, but strong in spirit. He graces us with a smile to brighten our own and give us his strength. Love and thanks to all who read this and for your prayers. Jean

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Steve and family,
I want you to know I pray for you all daily and live for updates hoping always for the best... I wanted to pass on some messages I have been getting from those who have been praying for Steve....

Steve sounds like a amazing man!
In spite of all of his pain, he still sounds like he keeps a good attitude. God bless his heart! Prayers still going up for him.

Lord please also be with Steve as he is back in the hospital. Bless him and let him feel your presence and your love for him. Put your angels of mercy at his bedside, Lord. We ask these things in Jesus' Name,
Love and Hugs,

Please pass on our prayers to Steve...he has a strong character and can fight this.
Dawn in Fl

Please let Steve know that he is in my prayers. I read his blog, and he is an amazing young man, with lots of love and support surrounding him. He will do well, no matter what happens.
Hugs, Dee

My prayers and thoughts are with Steve.
Paula Shelgren

He is in our prayers. Prayers also for his Mom as I am sure this is very hard on her as well.
Idaho Barb

He's keeping his sense of humour and that is such a good thing to see! Prayers and thoughts are with him .. Chemo is brutal ..I never experienced it, but watched my mother fight through it

I can't get over what a positive attitude he has. He will continue
to be in my prayers.
Barb Mcf

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby,

I agree with your mama, it was so nice to see you smile today. You're absolutely amazing. I know how much pain you're in and still you're smiling. I am so proud of you, and so proud of the team you always have at your side. I love you more than the sky. Hopefully I will catch another smile tomorrow.

Moochie calls everyday to check on you. She is suppose to fly home on Thursday. Beanie and Connie are also planning a visit. Get ready for more time with Uncle Buck.

I hope you sleep well tonight, more importantly, sweet dreams!

Aunt Lynnie

unclejim said...

Good morning Steven,

As I spend my second day in bed with my back, I strive to emulate your strength. But I think I fall way short. I am sure no one in my household would say I was a happy camper. And I confess to smiling little. When I run I wish I had your race face and as I lie here, I wish I had your soft face. You continue to inspire me, more than you will ever know. Since I have little else to do, I will send additional prayers and love today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

Just wanted to write a quick note to tell you that I am thinking of you-I have to work today/tonight so I will see you tomorrow. Keep the smiles coming for Jen and family, it warms our hearts. Hope you have a painless day...

Aunt Lynnie

lauren grant said...

hi steven,

i'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. i went to yoga twice this weekend, and dedicated my yoga intention to you and your family. i hope the week brings peace and less pain.

i'm thinking of you!

DEP said...

Prayers continue from your relatives and their friends in the central part of the country. Your Aunt Donna has requested prayers all the way to Virginia. I love this promise in Jeremiah 29:11-12 "For I know well the plans I have for you,says the Lord, they are plans for your welfare, not for your woe, plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you..." I hope the combined prayers of so many who love you will lift your spirit, ease your pain, guide your steps, strengthen your will and body and draw you closer to God's comforting embrace to witness to His love for you and us all.
I try to envision your heroic smile as described on this blog. Such a simple, peaceful, loving act in the midst of pain speaks volumes to others. We pray for healing of your physical cancer yet your faith/witness boomerangs, helping to heal the "spiritual cancers" (we all have them) of the reciprient of your smile, and those who hear its description through this blog. May God help us carry our little crosses more nobly/faithfully and help support your heavier burden at this time, entrusting you to His Sacred Heart - if only 5 minutes at a time:-)and another, and another...
I love you Steven. I love your family.......Aunt Elaine

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby,

I just got home and wished that I could have seen you today. I am off tomorrow, so if you are feeling up to it, I would like to see your smile. I really hope that you had a better day today....I will check in with your Mom or Dad to see about visiting.

Kisses and hugs (soft hugs) to you and Jen. Tom, Jean and family, I love you so much and I will talk to you tomorrow.

Peace and Painless Days,
Aunt Lynnie

Sara Brown said...


Just a little note to let you know that all of the Washington,DC Scotts are thinking about you every day.

And, I was reading Annabelle's comment about your childhood days spent at the Kings' pool, which actually made me think back to one of my clearest memories:

We must've been about five and we were swimming in my grandparents' pool in Scottsdale. Out of nowhere, you decided to hold me under water for as long as you could. I remember swimming to the surface, only to be pushed back under again. You just laughed and laughed. You were suck a jerk, but we had a really good time:)

Keep kicking for the surface, Scooby.

Sara Scott

unclejim said...

I hope that you could feel the warmth coming from SS. Simon last night. More than any other night, last night felt so powerful. Now, it could be the extra drugs I had in my system, but I don't think so. I think it was the power of so many people coming together for the sole purpose of asking God to look out for you. I know your mother was a little concerned that the crowd would be minimal. She had me thinking it might just be the two of us, which would have been fine. But I knew I shouldn't have underestimated the love so many have for you and your family. I always feel the prayers have a special fast track when they are led by the voices of the kids.

You have moved so many. And rightly so. Your fight and the manner in which it has been waged continues to inspire us all. I hope we in turn can provide that sense of warmth that only community prayer can provide.

I hope your day is painfree. You continue to have my love and prayers.

Sarita said...


I started a bar exam review class today with Danny and Sean Coll and I heard what you have been going through. It breaks my heart that you are not feeling well right now, but I know that this fight will only make you stronger! You are in my heart and in my prayers, and I truly admire your courage and endurance.

All my love,

Sara Siesco

PS, I just moved back home and was going through some of my old stuff, and I have a sweet picture of us in the 5th grade sitting together in Mr. Wysocki's bangs and your socks are awesome!

Sarita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

I know you didn't have a very good afternoon today, and it makes me feel so sad. I wish that each of us could trade a day with you, so you could remember a life without pain.

I will be sending all the positive thoughts that I can, to Good Sam tonight. You know how much I love you, and how I long to hold you and make all of this go away. To Jen, Tom and Jean, I love you all so much-I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Sweet dreams my dear nephew....

Aunt Lynnie

P.S. It was so nice to hear from Sara Scott and Sara Siesco.

Mike Bayard, S.J. said...

Steve -

Wanted to let you know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. The Jesuit Community at Seattle University has made this one of their prayer intentions also.

It is very clear that you continue to be an inspiration to many and I know that with your positive spirit and tenacity that you will fight this hard.

Promised prayers ...

Fr. Mike

Unknown said...

Hey Steve,

This is Sean from SSJ and Brophy. Gotta tell you man, it hit me pretty hard when I heard what you were going through. Then it occured to me: Even though nobody deserves it less, I'm not sure there are many guys more equipped to handle something like this than have always been one of the best, strongest guys I've known.

Just the other day I was thinking about the time I was at your house working on our pop-up childrens book in 7th grade for Ms. Brady (how "Timmy's Time Machine" was never picked up for publication is beyond me), and I remember while I was at your house I got news that my dog had broken her back (don't know if you remember. I know it seems random, but bear with me for a minute)...and I remember that I was a total mess when my mother came to pick me up, but you were positive the entire time. You just kept telling me "she might be ok...don't write her off yet...stay strong." I couldn't look past the negative, but you re-directed me to the reminded me that anything could happen. Fact is, Missy recoverd and lived a full and happy life. Honest to God bro, I have no doubt that you will do the same. I know that your positivity will get you through this and there are no statistics to measure how strong you are.

I'm thinking about you a lot man and my family and I wish you nothing but the best.

PS...that video you posted of the father and son made my cry a little bit...and that hasn't happened since the time you and I paid $7 to see "Waterworld".

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

Just got back from picking Moochie up at the airport. I know she was anxious to get home, to be closer to you. I'm glad that you are home tonight, maybe you can rest. I don't know why hospitals are the worst places to get sleep. Hopefully you will sleep well tonight.

I'll call tomorrow to see how you are feeling, I hope you feel well enough for a short visit but if not, don't worry....

I love you baby, and sending all my positive energy your way. Unfortunately I am old and it's late so there might not be enough energy for you tonight, but I promise there will be tomorrow morning.

Love you more than the sky.
Peace and painless times.

Aunt Lynnie

P.S. Sean it was so nice to hear from you, my love to you and your family.

Mudge said...

Wow,new voices on the blog! Funny the 3 SSJ grads are all studying together once again. Best of luck to you on the Bar exam.
Steven is home and, although he ran a fever again tonight, we were allowed to just give him Tylenol to reduce it instead of heading back to the ER.
I am starting a novena to St. Rita tonight. I got it off of if anyone is interested. She is the female version of St. Jude, and since she was a mom I have a soft spot for her and I hope she does for me as well.
I'm not giving up on all the other Sts./Blesseds/Venerables I've been praying to for Steven since I don't think they give up, ever, but I had to remind myself they wouldn't carry petty jealousies since they ARE saints.
Steve is doing radiation on his back every weekday for 2 more weeks. The next plan is for him to get enough strength to start chemo soon. That, however, is not scheduled to begin yet.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanie,

I too will start the novena. Give my nephew a kiss for me, and tell him I am thinking of him. I'll talk to you soon.


unclejim said...

I know we quit the music game a long time ago, but two songs came up on my iPod back to back today and it just cannot be coincidence. They were "Reason to Believe" and "Tuff Enough". Now those who know the old Tim hardin song made somewhat famous by Rod Stewart will know that the songs content is a bit off course to this situation , but the title is great. All of the rosaries and prayers and posts and thoughts have to give us a reason to believe. And Tuff Enough needs no explanation. If anyone is Tuff Enough, Steven, it has to be you. Every morning when I sit down to my computer at work, the picture of you running up in Seattle greets me. I love the looks on everyone's faces. The guy in the lead looks like he is surprised to be there. The guy on the right as you are facing the computer looks like he has about had it. But you have that look I have seen so often. The look of marked determination. I don't mean this as disparaging to your fellow runners, but that is how I read the faces.

Keep the games face and we will keep praying.

I invite all who are new to this site to our weekly rosary held at 7:00 pm at SS. Simon & Jude every Tuesday.

Praying you have a peaceful day.

annabelle said...

Hey Moke,

Just back from CT.and I'm so tired. Got up ar 6:00 today (9:00) CT time. I feel like a zoombie.

I thought of you, Tom. Jean, Dop and Rye everyday all day. Your family is like no other. You all have smiles on your faces and pain in your hearts but you, and them and I and all the rest of your family and friends will not give up. We know you guys. This is gonna be just a bitter memory. Keep fighting, Moke please.I have such a hard time thinking of your pain and me being so useless but you gotta know how much I love you . The last time I saw you and you woke up for just a minute and said "I love you Maw Maw", you brought smiles and tears. God, I wish I could help you. You are my Scobby and I love you sooooo much. Jen, thank you for being one of the reasons my boy is fighting so hard. You have given him something none of us could. Thank you, thank you.

Have a peacefull pain just happy thoughts. I'll check to see if you want company today.

As your cousin, Billy said "keep the jib full", stay on course we are about to win this race.

Chad Vader said...

Just leaving a message to know I am still keeping an eye on you and my heart with you! Been wearing my Steve Manos wristband of honor everyday. It been very motivating to think about you, it helps me push the limits. trust me there are days where I do track work and think just 6-8 sets which usually means I get to 7 and think to myself...I have done the minimum and I can stop. But ever since I have been wearing this thing...Its been what would Steve say? So then I do an extra in your honor..haha. Reminds me of old times going for those long runs across I-90 bridge in the worst weather...back when we were mileage freaks, do more. I can't wait till your back running, but till you are you can take some of my miles. Your in my payers and my thoughts everyday. Stay strong!

Anonymous said...


St. Rita is an old friend of mine...I'm in.

You're all in my thoughts.
Kathy Mc-Zywicki

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Baby,

I have to get ready for work, but wanted to let you know that I love you and think about you all the time. Hope today is a good day (without pain) so you can enjoy your family.

Love you forever,
Aunt Lynnie

Greg said...

Good Morning, Moke -

Moke-Man -

Greetings from San Diego (no one really knows where that name comes from). Yesterday was a beautiful beach day - makes me think ahead to July. Another annual cardardie picture is in order, and I think its time to induct Ry as the sixth member (pretty hard to exclude a Soph 4 year varsity letterman)- you'll have to work with him on the nuances of ab and biceps flexing for the pix so, in Billy's words, he doesn't "embarass the family."
Well, we may see if old man Sara can part with an extra hot sauce today. Yesterday Mar and I split a Gabiano's No. 33 and a couple of diet Cokes. I know Mar's about to post so I won't steal her thunder, but let me just say, Moke, that the events of yesterday afternoon put you, Mar and I in an unenviable brother/sisterhood which we should commemorate with matching tatoos this summer.

Love you so much, Moke, see you Sunday. Greg

Greg said...

Sweet Steve,
This is your favorite Aunt Mary:
As Greg mentioned, we are celebrating our anniversary in San Diego. No matter how many places I have visited, as I drive down West Mission Bay Drive, I feel like I am home. I think this is largely due to the unbelievable memories of our visits here with this incredible family of ours. I can't tell you how often in the past two days Greg and I have recounted instances involving you kids that have made us laugh, and specific to Pat and Theo that have made us shake our heads! You kids have brought so much joy into our lives and we look forward to watching all your kids do the same for you at this very place.

Greg speaks of the brotherhood...
Yesterday was one of those days that you just can't wait for. Sunny, warm and perfect. After a long run, in which I left Greg on the Glen Rick bridge, we went to the beach. We read and discussed some of the oddities, so vintage Mission Beach and loving every minute of it. I went into the water, the only one in the water, and promptly got stung by a sting-ray. Now, I know yours was bad and we all know how bad Greg's was by the amount of whining he did, but mine made both of yours look like a mosquito bite. I think amputation was going to be the next measure of medical attention. Let me put it this way, at one point, I wish they could have!! That is some kind of pain!! Body surfing is not on the agenda for today. As Greg reminded us after his nibble..."He's still out there."

We are heading out for a run. Every run I do I think of you and all the times you ran when you ached, or were tired, and it gives me that inspiration we have all become so dependant on. So... this one's for you, Steve.

Wishing you comfort and peace....

Greg said...

Moke -

Mar did not drop me at the Glen Rick Bridge. I stayed with her till at least Hammel's. Also, as long as Mar hinted that my sting wasn't as serious as yours or hers.. . . I don't pretend to know much about how sting ray stings are classified, but if the degree of seriousness depends on the size of the puncture, the amount of blood and venom, mine was far more serious. If on the other hand, the criteria is the amount of wimpering, weeping and acting out following the sting, then I'll have to conceded, Mary's would have to be the worst ever rcorded. Love you Moke.

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

I think that Mar & Greg are sounding a little bit like the Costanzas'.

Hope you had a better day today. I'll check in with you tomorrow. I will be headed your way Sunday-I am babysitting Makenna in the afternoon. I can't wait to see her, and would enjoy visiting with you as well.

Hope you have a peaceful sleep tonight. Love you for always.

Mar-Greg.....Congratulations on your anniversary!

Love to all,


Anonymous said...

yo man-hands

just listening to some simple minds (you know the breakfast club theme song) i thought i would stop by and send my love to you, jen, and the fam.

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Baby, I love you so much and think of you constantly. Love to everyone.

Aunt Lynnie

Mudge said...

Good morning to all blog visitors. I am off for the summer...until Aug. 4th anyway. Tom is back to work, and I am home. Our rolls have changed. Steven has his back radiation this morning, but Jenny has to head down to Tucson for an appointment with a professor. I am doing this alone today and am going to miss her expertise on all things regarding Steve. He prefers her help rather than mine, so I have happily handed it over to her. She created a spread sheet for all his meds & feedings...time to take, amount etc. It's nice to have a computer savvy person around, but I hope I can access it and fill it in correctly. Luckily he has an in home health nurse coming to the house twice a week - supposedly on Mondays (today)and Thursdays. We have yet to hear from them though on this as well as OT and PT who is also suppose to work with him. Guess I better go make some phone calls. Jean

GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Prayers for all of you....
Just relax and take it one step at a time Steve and Jean....
Jean, I know you can do all this today just fine... with all you deal with at work I know you will be fine taking care of Steve.

Unknown said...

Moke: I'd like to invite myself and a few select from the Cardardy brotherhood for a King Pin viewing. If you're up for this, or even just watching a D'backs game, let me know and I'll be there asap. All my thoughts and love!

mary heiland said...

Just a reminder that tomorrow night we will be praying to all those "blesseds, saints and venerables" that Jean mentioned earlier to help Steven in whatever way possible. Come join the ever growing circle of Steve's friends and family. Ss. Simon & Jude is located on the east side of 27th Ave. just north of Bethany Home Road. Our rosary will begin at 7 p.m. Hope you can join us...

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby,

I asked Moochie the other night if she would make chop suey for dinner for me. So, David, Sydney, Patrick and I had dinner with Moochie tonight. She said she enjoyed seeing everyone at your house last night, I think she really enjoyed going out for ice cream. She still goes to Mass your honor.

I love you all so much and I am so proud of your family.

Aunt Lynnie

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

I just want you to know that I thought of you as soon as I got up today, and through out the day. I hope you had little pain and a few smiles today.

Aunt Lynnie

annabelle said...

Hey Jean.

I'm available to help with the driving or whatever regarding Moke's radiation. Thursday, I'm taking Mary to an appt. but other than that, I'm free. "You just call out my name" and I'll be there.

Moke, I thought you looked so good Sunday. Maybe it was because I hadn't seen you for awhile, but seeing you was what I needed. I'm gonna make custard tomorrow and maybe you could try it.

I received a card from Jen on Sunday and it was really touching. What a great girlfriend you haver senior Manos. No one could be more devoted to you and everything she does seems like it comes from her heart. Lots of people go through life without finding someone like Jen.

Well I'm off to bed. I'll be thinking about you when I close my eyes and I'll be thinking about you when I open them in the morning. I love you, Moke.

unclejim said...

Steven, I feel so bad about missing the rosary last night. Since Scooter still cannot get out of bed, I thought I needed to stay with him. Plus, we gave him his first shower since the accident. I am confidant that if anyone can appreciate his position it would be you. Still I feel bad but rest assured that even though Scooter occupies my thought s he hasn't displaced you. I have learned to expand those I continue to pray for. I hope the radiation helps ease some of your pain. Even the word pain is beiginng to haunt me. It is so easy to get down when two of those you love so much are in constant pain. I pray God gives the both of you the strength to get through it.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Baby Doll,

I'm hoping you have a good day today. Enjoy the family, and if you can't eat Moochie's custard, you can send it over....or better yet, Mooch can you make a double recipe, I think Makenna wants some? Love you lots, thinking about you all the time!

Jim-please give Scoot my best!

mary heiland said...

Jim, since you are so good at painting a picture of each rosary, I thought I'd send one for you and Steven of last night. It was a beautiful night for praying under the new canopies outside the church. There was a light breeze which made it cool enough for the nuns to all come out. The benches were filled to absolute capacity with standing room only in the back. Ryan opened the rosary with a special prayer to St. Rita, patron saint of impossible situations (and one of Jean's favorites). It was so nice to see Tom, but there was an obvious void at the pole in the back. We missed you and hope Scooter is okay.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

I send a hug and all my love to you. I was babysitting Makenna this morning, and her Mommy had read her a little book before I got there. Of course I opened it thinking that Danny and Mary might be teaching her economics or something like that....but I was surprised to see a message handwritten inside the cover for Ted....he signed it "your wannabe uncle Ted" I was thinking that the Master of Cardardies should recommend that all cardardies are Makenna's uncles. What a lucky little lady she would be.....Mary Beth and I already refer you and Ted as her uncles...So Billy, shouldn't you make it an official ruling for all babies born to one or another Cardardy?

Can you tell I didn't work today or tonight, might just have a little too much time to think....?

Mary H. thanks for everything you are doing for the Tom Manos family-actually all of us, and to all bloggers and blogger readers, I can't tell you how much your thoughts help all of us.

Peace Steven and Jen-I love you with all my heart and soul.

My dear Ted, I hope I didn't embarrass you, but I thought it was so thoughtful of you....

Unknown said...

Steve and Jean,

Thanks for the updates. We are thinking of you constantly.

I went for the longest run I've gone on in awhile; I got roped into a two person relay and somehow my leg is a half-marathon and a 50 mile bike ride. I have nothing to complain about and am thankful that I get to train for such things.

Ellie reads better by the day. Tonight she read us bedtime stories.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning Baby,

It's so pretty out this morning, hope you have a chance to sit outside before it gets hot. If not this morning, maybe tonight.

I know you probably know this already, but I wish you a day without pain. I think about you all the time, and I love you more than the sky.

Hello Manos team, my love to all of you.


Unknown said...

On motion by Outside Senior Advisor Novak, and by an unanimous vote of the Panel on New Members, I am pleased to announce that Ryan Patrick Manos has been named this day of June 2008 a Junior Cardardy and shall be entitled to all rights and privileges stemming therefrom. Him and the Wackman shall serve the Brotherhood well in their respective, Junior Cardardy positions. Welcome Aboard, Rye.

unclejim said...

I am glad no one tried to hold up my pole. But I am even more glad so many continued in their support of you Steven. It sounds like a great group and I can just imagine the spirit. Fr. O'Grady always said that his favorite prayer is "Veni sancti spiritu". I find myself saying that a lot as I believe the spirit is what is alive and visible in each of us and that His light is so strong during those times when we gather in support of someone we love. And we will continue to gather in support of you Steven and of your mom and dad. And I will be back at my pole Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I love you Steven....

Aunt Mary said...

My Sweetie,
It is the most helpless feeling ever, to watch you endure so much, and know that I can do so little. There are certain things which allow me to feel closer to you like running, being with Amie and Ryan or just my own two kids walking in the front door, saying, "Hey, mom. Any news on Steve." For now, that will have to do. When you feel stronger, I look forward to your incredible ability to warm the hearts of everyone around you. incredible post, Now we need to get Mr. Duke Photography, a.k.a. Greg Novak to shoot the newest cardardie Mission Beach picture. I love my family so much! And Jen you know by now, you're right in the thick of it, like it or not!

annabelle said...

I Love You, Steven. Would if I could make this all go away.

lydialauer said...

hi Steve,
just checking for an update and realized that I texted you a few days ago but you probably didn't know it was from me. So now you do :)
Stay positive :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby,

Just wanted to say good night and I love you....or as Poppie always said "Kalinihta and Saghapo"......

Mudge said...

Tonight I was praying the 9th day of the novena to St. Rita when lo and behold walks in Ryan and hands me a present from the front doorstep. It was an icon of St. Rita that reads "Patroness of desperated causes, invoked against...lonelines-tumors..." It was a sweet moment. Thanks Lynn for that special gift.
Steven is currently in ICU because of concerns his radiation oncologist had with his breathing. He told us the quickest way to get things going was to go to the ER. We had just been there the night before, but back we went. Good call. They are working on getting fluid out of his lungs, and today he began another round of 3 different chemo treatments.
It is after midnight and Jenny is still at the hospital with him even though he is rarely awake and she must sit quiet in the semi-darkness. This kind of devotion is the purest example of 1st Corinthians 4-7 I have ever had the privilege to witness: "Love is patient, love is kind, is not self-seeking...there is no limit to love's forebearance, to its trust, to its hope, to its power to endure." Thank you Jenny for loving him this way. Jean

The Dude said...


You are a 10,000 meter runner. You are many other things before and after this, especially in the last few years.
But, you are a 10,000 meter runner.
And no matter how much I or anyone else wants so desperately for you to be on lap 4 or meter 1,013(running the corner by the steeple puddle on the north end at hayward) in this Race, in this Life that is the 10,000m, if you need to be, want to be, choose to be, or just Are on lap 24, meter 9,999 then so be it.

Just run that last meter, hell walk it, crawl it, or fall over it chin first(i've finished a 400m or two that way)and run it no matter how long it takes...3 more years, 3 more months to august, or just one more more meter.

just run your race, your -one more meter- and we'll run ours alongside


GoldenAngelsWorks said...

Prayers are still going strong for you Steven. I cannot believe the wonderful support system that God has provided for you... It is so wonderful how he has provided this for you....

Anonymous said...

Hi Baby Doll,

I hope you and Jen got some sleep last night. I also hope today will bring you sunshine, no pain and a lot of love. Beanie and Connie will be here today, I know how much the love you and want to spend some time with you. But don't worry if you don't want visitors, they will be another great support system for your family.

I love you Baby and will be thinking about you al day/night at work.

Soft kisses and hugs...

Emmett Masenga said...

Hey Steve, I got back from Iraq on Monday. Sorry I couldn't post over there but our internet connection was routed through Kuwait and Germany so everything came up in Arabic or German, two languages in which I am not proficient. I pray for you every day and look forward to seeing you again.


Anonymous said...

Hi Baby,

Just got home from work and wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you, Jen, and the family all day. Moochie said that Beanie and Connie visited with you today and really enjoyed talking with you. Then of course, they went directly to Last Chance. Last time Bean was here, we spent about 2 hours at Last Chance, and I thought I would go crazy.....

I'm sure he has hit Whataburger and every Mexican food restaurant in a 10 mile radius. Moochie's house will never be the same.

I love you guys, and am sending every once of positive energy your way.....

Mudge said...

Emmett, I just asked Steven today if he'd heard from you. How strange to come home from the hospital and read you are back. Praise God you are home safe.
Steven had a great day today. Best in many weeks. He said if I bring his computer to the hospital he will post. Tomorrow I will bring it, and hopefully he can connect to the internet and his strength will be like it was today. Unpredictable is the way it always seems to go though.

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